Monday, May 15, 2017

Phillip Riggs' Four Success Tips 
  1. Work hard. 
  1. Follow your passions.                                                                                                                                   Do things you are interested in doing. 
  1. Don't chase after money. 
  1. Serve others. Do good things for others, and good things will come to you. 
    I truly believe that if you are trying to be successful in life, then you should follow Phillip Riggs' four tips to success. The first one says to work hard. You don't get anything in life by just waiting for it to come to you. You need to work for it. Just like Phillip Riggs' said. The second one says to follow your passion. I believe this is really important. You need to be someone you enjoy being. Don't be someone you want to just because of the amount of money your getting paid. Be someone you enjoy doing, and get paid for it. 

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